How to Add a Twitter Link to Your YouTube Channel?

In this article, we will discuss how you can add a Twitter link to your youtube channel. You may not know it but adding a Twitter button is easy and only takes minutes!

It’s also important because it helps to increase traffic on your Youtube Channel.

How to Add a Twitter Link to Your YouTube Channel?

This article assumes that the user has created an account on YouTube as well as Twitter. If they have done so already then great! They don’t need any additional information and can proceed straightaway with the steps below: 

If they haven’t yet, please visit their YouTube Dashboard by logging in at “” and clicking on ‘Dashboard’. From there follow these instructions: 

  • First click onto ‘Channel’, just above where it says ‘Welcome’.
  • First, on the left-hand side of their Dashboard, they will see a box that says ‘Channel Settings’ and below it, there should be an option called ‘Edit Channel’. Click into this.
  • Once inside these settings scroll down until they find where it says “Show my Twitter Account”. All they need to do is click onto this and then authorize YouTube by signing in with their account details if not already done so. The user can now proceed straightaway with step one!
  • In order for them to add the button on top of every video, there are two steps: First go back up again to the channel setting page (just above where it says Welcome). From there click onto Advanced Settings which is just below Content Rights. Now they will need to scroll down until they find the section called “Embedded Player”.
  • Inside this area, there should be a box that says ‘Player’. To get their Twitter button on top of every video all they have to do is click onto it and then press save changes. Now what we just did was add an icon instead of text for where viewers could tweet about each video which in turn increases traffic because people are more likely to share your videos if they have know-how!

And that’s all you really need to do!  They can now rest assured knowing they’ve done everything possible to make their Youtube Channel grow even bigger! There may come a time when YouTube announces new features or something but until then this tutorial will hold true.

Why you should add a twitter link?

The benefits of adding this button are that it will increase traffic on your Youtube Channel. People are more likely to share videos if they have the know-how! This is a really great way to boost the traffic on your channel.

You should also view this video for some more details:

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