How to Re-enable Hidden YouTube Channel and Unhide Video Content

Many people make YouTube channels and then decide they don’t want to use them anymore. For those of you that have hidden your YouTube channel, how would you like to unhide it?

There are a few simple ways for you to do so. If you know how to find the URL for your YouTube account, then go ahead and follow these steps:

1. Login with your Gmail account on

2. Click “Creator Studio”

3- Click “Channel Settings” from the dropdown menu at the top right corner of the screen

4- Scroll down until you see an option called “Make Channel Public”. Select this option and click save!

You will then be taken to a page that says ‘Successfully made your channel public’.

Another Steps to Re-enable Hidden YouTube channel and Unhide Video Content

If you want to get your hidden YouTube channel contents back, here are the steps:

Step 1: To sign in to your YouTube channel, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the page and paste your Gmail ID and Password.

Step 2: You’ll need to create a YouTube channel. After you do, visit Creator Studio and fill out the form on the right-hand side of your screen. You will then be redirected to your YouTube channel.

Step 3: Clicking “To use a business or other name is not recommended.” and this form will create a newly restored channel for the hidden channel.

Step 4: Using YouTube Studio, you can make your playlists and videos visible after recreating your public channel

Hopefully, these methods will help you to re-enable your youtube channel and unhide video content and make it visible to the public.

You can also check this video for more details:

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