What is Error Code 0xCOO70643 in Windows 10 and How do Fix it?

Error Code 0xCOO70643 is an error in Windows that has been around since the release of Windows Vista.

It means that a serious software problem has caused an error in Windows.

The error code 0xCOO70643 is also known as KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED.

This will occur when your Windows operating system has been improperly shut down or interrupted during a critical process, which can be very frustrating to deal with.

A common cause of the issue is hardware issues such as a failing hard drive or another component.

This is because the error code comes from an internal Windows function called “HalExceptionFilter”.

This error can be a problem because it will prevent you from using your PC and may stop certain programs from functioning properly.

It is important to understand that the 0xCOO70643 isn’t just an inconvenience, but rather a serious issue with Windows, so we recommend taking care of this as soon as possible.

What issues can Error Code 0xCOO70643 cause?

The Error Code 0xCOO70643 can cause a number of problems, including the following:

It will prevent programs from running. This includes your browser and antivirus software; these are some of the most common victims of this error.

You may also notice that it is difficult or impossible for you to open any files on your PC, which means that there’s probably an issue with Windows Explorer or file associations. You might get an error message when trying to access certain apps because Windows doesn’t know how they should be launched (associations).

If you have a virus protection program installed but still receive the Error Code 0xCOO70643, then it could potentially indicate malware issues or spyware on your computer.

The Error Code 0xCOO70643 can also interfere with system functionality, such as making it impossible to start Windows. You may see a black screen after you restart the PC that tells you there’s an error and displays the message “Your application failed to initialize properly (0xc000000f).”

Here is a list of some other symptoms that you may experience with the Error Code 0xCOO70643:

  • You will not be able to open any data on your computer.
  • Windows Explorer and file associations will not work properly or at all. You may also see error messages when opening certain apps because Windows does not know how they should be launched (associations).
  • If you have a virus protection program installed but still receive this issue, then it could potentially indicate malware issues or spyware on your computer. The Error Code 0xCOO70643 can also interfere with system functionality, such as making it impossible to start Windows again; typically there’s just a black screen after restarting the PC.
  • You might also see a blue screen of death and the error code 0xCOO70643.
  • The Error Code 0xCOO70643 is more likely to happen if you have an old PC, or one that has become less optimized after installing new software updates, drivers, antivirus programs like Windows Defender, or other apps.
  • It can also occur when your computer was improperly shut down or interrupted during a critical process while it was booting up; this will cause such errors as “Your application failed to initialize properly (0xc000000f).” It’s important not to restart your system while in these states because this may make the problem worse!
  • It is important to understand how serious this issue is before deciding what course of action is best for dealing with it; we recommend fixing this error code as soon as possible.

How to Fix it?

There are a few ways to resolve Error Code 0xCOO70643.

The most common way is to use the Windows Automatic Repair feature, which will allow you to fix any corrupted or missing system files on your PC and restore them back without affecting any of your data.

It is important to remember that this will not work if there are any hardware issues.

If the Automatic Repair doesn’t fix your issue, you can use a Windows recovery disk or another PC to repair it before coming back and using your computer again.

One solution for error code 0xCOO70643 is updating drivers on devices with outdated ones, which may help resolve some conflicts in Windows.

You should also try running System Restore from Safe Mode as well as removing anti-virus software temporarily so that the problem does not come from these sources (although they’re unlikely). We also recommend upgrading to Windows OS Service Pack Q: because Error Code 0xCOO70643 often comes from older versions of windows when newer patches

Another option is restoring from a backup if available, but this involves taking out older programs and apps before reinstalling everything again afterward which may have an effect on certain programs.

A third option is to reinstall Windows altogether, but this will delete any information that you have stored on your PC at risk and we recommend doing it as a last resort if other methods don’t work.

It may be difficult for some people to use the Command Prompt window because they are not familiar with typing in commands, so we recommend trying out an alternative solution like using a disk recovery program or reformatting the hard drive instead.

Check this video for more details on this topic:


We hope this post was helpful in understanding the issue and how to resolve it!

There are a few ways you can fix Error Code 0xCOO70643, but if none of them work then you should contact Microsoft for more help.

If your PC’s hardware is compromised or running outdated software, these may be some factors that led to such an error code occurring.

You could try updating drivers on devices with outdated ones which will often help address conflicts with Windows; also try System Restore from Safe Mode as well as removing anti-virus programs temporarily so that they don’t cause any problems (although unlikely). If those solutions still do not provide relief, we recommend upgrading to Windows OS Service Pack Q because many times Error Code 0xCOO70643 comes from older versions of Windows when newer patches are released.

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