The act of tagging someone in a YouTube comment is one that many people do not know how to do. This blog post will cover the steps needed to properly tag someone in a YouTube comment.
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What is a Youtube Tag?
A tag on YouTube can be thought of as the person’s identity that you are tagging. This could be an individual, company, or group and it should identify them in the comment section so other viewers know who is talking about what they are watching.
Tagging someone allows others to find their discussion more easily when scrolling through comments and leaves no confusion over which video this commenter was commenting on.
A tag on YouTube can be thought of as the person’s identity that you are tagging. This could be an individual, company, or group and it should identify them in the comment section so other viewers know who is talking about what they are watching.
Tagging someone allows others to find their discussion more easily when scrolling through comments and leaves no confusion over which video this commenter was commenting on.
Why Should I Use Tags?
Tags are a great way to identify who you want people to be able to reply back and interact with. With tags, this person can see the comments they’ve been tagged in more easily when scrolling through their feed or looking at them all together on one page.
They will also be able to find your comment easier so they know what is being discussed without always having to scroll up from the bottom of the thread (or video) that sparked your interest.
How Do You Tag Someone in a YouTube Comment?
To tag someone, put the @ symbol and their username before your comment. This will make it more likely that they see what you are saying if they’ve chosen to follow this account or have notifications turned on for comments from people who do not typically post videos of hers/themselves.
To find out how others can find your video again after being tagged by you click on the person’s name with whom it was communicated and scroll down to “All tags” where there appear all the other posts they’ve been tagged well as yours.
If at any time you wish to remove yourself from an ongoing conversation between two or more commenters please use @ followed by your username.
What if I want to talk about my video and someone else?
If you wish to reply back and interact with other commenters, use the @ symbol followed by their username in your comment so they know who it is that has replied. Remember that this will show up for all of those following both person’s accounts on social media platforms or YouTube notifications turned on for comments from people who do not typically post videos of themselves.
This way viewers can scroll down through time-stamped feeds where their most recent engagement posts are displayed instead of having to scroll up from the bottom of all comments.
If someone is tagging me in their comment, how do I reply back?
To be tagged by another commenter and then reply back click on his or her username at the end of their sentence (usually with an @ symbol) and scroll down to “All tags”.
Here any posts they’ve been tagged in will appear along with your post. You can also use this page to interact directly with them if it is something that does not pertain entirely to what was being discussed around when he or she originally commented. And remember never to use the @ symbol in your sentence when you want to reply back.
What are the best ways to remove yourself from an ongoing conversation?
To find out how others can find your video again after being tagged by another commenter click on their username with whom it was communicated and scroll down to “All tags”.
Here any posts they’ve been tagged in will appear along, as well as yours. You can also use this page to interact directly with them if it is something that does not pertain entirely to what was being discussed around when he or she originally commented. And remember never to use the @ symbol in your sentence when you want to reply back.
Tips for Creating an Effective YouTube Tag :
- Do your research on the person you want to tag before commenting and make sure they’re actually active within the thread.
- Always double-check that what you have written is not a repeat of something someone else has said in order to avoid spamming them with notifications from multiple people all at once.
- Tag Usage Tips for Businesses: If tagging another business, be courteous enough to read through their bio as well so you don’t call out any sensitive information or ask about things they do not offer via their products/services.
- The same courtesy should be given to any clients you mention in the video as well so they don’t feel like a promotional tool for your business.
- Be mindful of how many people are tagged within one comment and try not to go over three unless it is absolutely necessary.
You can also check this video for more details:
If you’re trying to tag someone in a YouTube comment, it’s important not to spam them with notifications from multiple people all at once. It’s also courteous to read through their bio before commenting on any of their videos and asking about topics they have never mentioned anywhere else on YouTube.